Both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom (cloud-based) allow you to hide various Presets. This allows you to simplify your list and only show the ones you normally use. However, some may appear in the list in italics, leading to the question why do some preset names show in italics? Presets displayed in italics are partially compatible presets.
What makes a preset only partially compatible?
A preset is partially compatible if not all of the settings can be applied to the selected photo. For example, a preset that includes an Adobe Raw profile is only partially compatible with a JPEG image. This is because the Adobe Raw profiles are not available for JPEG images and creates a different result. Likewise, you can’t apply Olympus raw profiles to Canon raw images. You can still apply a partially compatible preset to any photo, but the results may not be exactly as you’d expect, so the italics act as a warning.
Show partially compatible presets
To see the partially compatible presets for each version:
- Lightroom Classic: go to Preferences > Presets tab > Show Partially Compatible Develop Presets
- Lightroom (cloud-based) desktop and tablet: click / tap the … button at the top of the Presets panel and toggle the Hide Partially Compatible Presets (desktop) / Show Partially Compatible Presets (iOS/Android)
Presets that are only partially compatible are then shown or hidden depending on the setting. If shown, they will be in italics.
Learn more about presets
Have you purchased some presets and want to understand how to install them? We look at this in How do I import Profiles and Presets into Classic? and How do I import Profiles and Presets into Cloud and Mobile?
Once you found a good starting point, you might want to create your own preset. This can save time and also help with consistency. We look at how to do this in How do I create Lightroom presets?
For lots more information and tips on using Lightroom, see Adobe Lightroom – Edit Like a Pro (covers the cloud and mobile versions) and Adobe Lightroom Classic – The Missing FAQ (for the folder-based version). Both cover the various sliders and what they do / how they interact. Adobe Lightroom – Edit Like a Pro also looks at the thinking behind how to edit based on how professionals approach editing. If you have a current Premium Membership, you can download the latest version of your book from the Members Area right now. (And if not, here’s the shop – go and buy your copy!)
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